Correction to the 2023 QSAC Rules
Greetings QSAC members: Recently, we were presented with a question regarding line item 8.3.14. which reads "Velocity Stacks allowed in Sprint Car, ECM and Grand National." The question presented to us was "Why isn't Super-Truck allowed to use a velocity stack?" In looking back and discussing this question with previous Co-Chairs, we
2023 QSAC Rules Package Released –
Greetings QSAC Members:We are pleased to announce the release of the 2023 QSAC Rules Package. Changes to the 2023 QSAC Rules Package are documented in the change record at the back of the rules package; an overview of the changes includes items that were subject to the approval of the Rules Ratification Committee, clerical
2023 QSAC Dirt Track Rules Addendum
Greetings QSAC Members:We are pleased to announce the release of the 2023 QSAC Dirt Track Rules Addendum. There are no changes for the 2023 release other than dates, copyright, etc.Stay tuned as we anticipate releasing the 2023 QSAC Rules Package before the end of December.The 2023 QSAC Dirt Track Rules Addendum
Zenoah G240RC Engine Cylinder Gasket Clarification
Greetings QSAC members: There has been a question proposed to us regarding what is the stock/OEM cylinder gasket for the G240RC engine. There are two currently available cylinder gaskets offered from Zenoah; a blue paper gasket and a black reinforced gasket. Given the possibility of two gaskets, we started our path
RESULTS: Rules Change Proposal Submitted to
Greetings QSAC members,As announced on Sunday, October 23rd, 2022, a rules change proposal was sent to the Rules Ratification Committee (RRC).Per the By-Laws, the RRC was permitted ten (10) days to discuss and deliberate over the change proposal presented. With the ten days coming to completion on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2022, we are pleased
Rules Change Proposals Submitted to the
Greetings QSAC members, We are pleased to share with the membership that we have submitted a rules change proposal to the RRC this afternoon, Sunday, October 23rd, 2022.The rules change proposal addresses line item 8.3.22., which is located in section 8.3., ALLOWABLE ENGINE CHANGES. Please see the attached document for
Changes and Appointments within the QSAC
Greetings QSAC members, Brrr…, you can start to feel the fall air changing and we're almost into the month of October already!Where did 2022 go? With fall there is change, and with the changing of the season, we have some change taking place within the organization. In no particular order,
Eastern District Director Appointment and additions
Greetings QSAC members,We are pleased to share with the organization a couple of changes.We have appointed Kevin McDougald as Eastern District Director. Kevin has been involved with quarter scale racing for a considerable amount of time. Previously, Kevin filled the role of Rules Committee Chair. Please welcome Kevin to his
2022 QSAC Co-Chair Election Results and
Greetings QSAC members With September 1st coming and going, we have completed another QSAC Co-Chair election. Before we get into details, we want to extend a big thank you to Brian Howard, Chris Landers, and Todd Bishop for being willing to be candidates for QSAC Co-Chair; thank you, gentlemen. Voter turnout
2022 QSAC Co-Chair Elections Reminder and
Greetings QSAC members,The 2022 QSAC Co-Chair elections are still open, and there is still time to submit your ballot. If you have not done so already, please take the time to cast your vote for Co-Chair. The 2022 QSAC Co-Chair election closes on August 31st, 2022.In other organizational news, QSAC's secretary, Doreen
RESULTS: Rules Change Proposal Submitted to
Greetings QSAC members,As announced on Monday, August 1st, 2022, four (4) rules change proposals were sent to the Rules Ratification Committee (RRC).Per the By-Laws, the RRC was permitted ten (10) to discuss and deliberate over the change proposal presented. With the ten days coming to completion on Thursday, August 11th,
QSAC Co-Chair Resignation – Will Landers
Greetings QSAC members, I am writing today to acknowledge and share the news that Will Landers has resigned from his position as Co-Chair for QSAC, effective 2022-08-02. Will was serving the first year of his two year term as QSAC Co-Chair. Here is copied text from Will's public resignation announcement, as posted on ¼