Known as Winner's Circle Manufacturing or WCM, grew and prospered, and was soon joined by a new California entrepreneur, Jon Rahe, and his RACO Modelcraft. Quarter Scale was off and running! Growth of the sport continued from that time with new manufacturers popping-up on the scene, but there was a problem....... Buyers were scattered all over, sometimes only one or two in a particular area, and didn't know where other potential racers were located. The manufacturers, particularly WCM and RACO, could see that they needed to find a way to organize the racers into a group who knew and communicated with each other. An attempt was made to get ROAR, the major R/C car racing organization in the US, to sanction Quarter Scale racing under their auspices, but Roar was primarily an "electric-car" group, concentrating on 1/12th and 1/10th scales, and wasn't really interested in bothering with what was, at that time, a small group of racers who were scattered all over the map! With no apparent help forthcoming from that direction, the manufacturers decided to take the "bull-by-thehorns" and form a National Organization which would also be an entity that would organize and sanction Quarter Scale racing events, establish a cogent Rules package controlling the specifications for cars in different classes, set up race formats for the various classes, establish safety-standards, and last, but not least, provide a liability insurance program to protect both the racer and the viewing public. After much research and headaches, the organization was chartered and the Quarter Scale Auto Club began!