Announcement from the Co-Chairs – QSAC
Final call for any members that would have an interest in running for a two year term for Co-Chair. If you have any interest, contact either Todd Bishop or Chris Landers, and provide a brief bio that can be shared with the membership. Deadline will be July 30th.Thank youTodd Bishop Chris
2023 Concrete National – QSAC Updates
Here are you Concrete National Champions and final pointsCongrats to the following National ChampionsQSAC Cup Mountain ValleyLimited Jerry EarlyEast Coast Modified Frankie EverhartSprint Frankie EverhartSuper-Truck Chad HarrisSportsman Alex LivingstonGrand National Chad HarrisCongrats to all the competitors, Safe Travels see you all next year., Download PDF File Here , Download PDF File
2023 Concrete National update
Mountain Valley Raceway will be open for practice on June 3 2023 from 9:00am-9:00pm. This will be an open uncontrolled practice. On Sunday June 4 2023 practice will follow the QSAC itinerary.
Pre Registration list for 2023 concrete
Pre-Entry List for 2023 concrete nationals.ECM:1.Tony Wachter2.Todd Holloway3.Mike DiMascio4.Chard Harris5.Frankie Everhart6.Brian Anderson7 Benjie Wright.8.Kevin Ligon9. David Bradford10. Scott Meadows11.John Wachter12. Brian Howard13.Tom StandridgeGrand National:1.Joseph Brooks2.Chris DiMascio3.Kevin McDougald4.Chad Harris5.David Bradford6.Frankie Everhart7.Randy Brown8.Kevin Andrews9.Eric Condit10. Scott Meadows11. Brain Howard12.Benji Wright13.Tom StandridgeLimited Sportsman:1.Brett McCoy2.Charlie Agnew3.Paul Covington4.Robert Green5. Billy Mayo6. Gary Wheatly7. Drew Craig8.Ricky
2023 Concrete Nationals pre registration –
As we head for the final stretch of the Pre Registration for the 2023 concrete Nationals for is the current list as of today.ECM:1.Tony Wachter2.Todd Holloway3.Mike DiMascio4.Chard Harris5.Frankie Everhart6.Brian Anderson7 Benjie Wright.8.Kevin Ligon9. David Bradford10. Scott Meadows11.John Wachter12. Brian HowardGrand National:1.Joseph Brooks2.Chris DiMascio3.Kevin McDougald4.Chad Harris5.David Bradford6.Frankie Everhart7.Randy Brown8.Kevin Andrews9.Eric Condit10.
Here is your updated 2023 Sponsorship flyers. Please support those who support our sport.
2023 Dirt Nationals sponsorship flyers
Here is your current 2023 Dirt national sponsorship flyers. Please support those who support our sport