29 Jun, 2018

YOUNG GUNS, installment #1 – QSAC

Gabby Allshouse, ​Welcome to the first installment of "Young Guns".  This idea was presented to the QSAC leadership by Chris DiMascio.  Given Chris's enthusiasm and excitement, it only made sense for Chris to conduct our first interview.  We hope you enjoy reading about our first "Young Gun", Gabby Allshouse.Biography:My name is Gabby Allshouse.  I

26 Jun, 2018

The next generation of quarter scale

Over the course of the next few months, we will be featuring a brief bio of a different "Young Gun" QSAC racer along with a question and answer transcript.Chris DiMascio reached out to inquire about the idea and what it would take to make this happen; a way to share and

06 Jun, 2018

New Eastern District – Eastern Division

We are proud to welcome Chris DiMascio as the new Eastern District - Eastern Division / Northern Region Representative.Chris has been involved with quarter scale since 2010; he brings a desire and willingness to communicate, share and help promote QSAC and quarter scale racing.Thank you, Chris, for showing an interest in

01 Jun, 2018

Co-Chair Candidate Announcement – QSAC Updates

Greetings QSAC members It is our pleasure to announce a candidate for Co-Chair for the upcoming election that will begin on July 1st. 2018. Dave Dygon expressed an interest in running for Co-Chair this term.  We met with Dave, along with three current members-at-large, for a question/answer session.  Dave was very articulate and concise

25 May, 2018

Eastern Division / Northern Region Opening

QSAC is looking for a representative member from the Eastern District in the Northern Region area to fill the role left vacant with the passing of Randy Baker earlier in April of this year.If you are interested, please contact Joe Brooks or Scott Harper.

10 May, 2018

2018 QSAC National Championship Preregistration Deadline

Friendly reminder for those that are considering attending the National Championship this coming July 16th - 20th at MPR:Preregistration will be available through 12:00 AM, June 1st, 2018. After this date and time, registrations will be taken in person at the event.In addition, while not formally advertised previously, preregistered racers

22 Apr, 2018

2018 QSAC National Championship News –

Exciting news about the upcoming 2018 QSAC National Championship!MPR's very own Earl Clement has secured an opportunity for racers that are registered at the National Championship to visit and view the Historic Auto Attractions "A Journey Through Time" museum on our "off" day of Thursday, July 19th.The museum is located

18 Mar, 2018

2018 QSAC Partnership Drawing Reminder –

Greetings QSAC racers,as a friendly reminder, if you would like your name to be included in the 2018 QSAC Partnership Raffle, you need to have your QSAC membership, new or renewal, completed by March 31st, 2018.What's at stake in the 2018 QSAC Partnership Raffle?  Three (3) full QSAC memberships for

17 Mar, 2018

Tickets Now Available for the Rockton

Tickets for the WCM EVO Racers Special to benefit the Rockton Lions Club Wimpy's Fund have arrived!Tickets are $20.Tickets may be purchased via the following methods:1. In person at MPR.2. Purchased via PayPal as a friends/family payment. Note: if you are not local, we are requiring an additional charge of

02 Mar, 2018

Limited Sportsman Class Sponsor Named

It's with great pleasure to have TNT 1/4 Scale Race Cars as our 2018 National Limited Sportsman sponsorThanks to Richard Coffey and Andy Abernathy on supporting QSAC and all your racers!Keep these guys in mind for some of your racing needs. 

31 Jan, 2018

New Website, Organizational Announcement, and 2018

Greetings QSAC Members and quarter scale racers, with the 2018 New Year already off and running, we wanted to reach out and touch base with the membership. We hope all of you have enjoyed the holidays and are looking forward to racing your quarter scale race cars in 2018! We

22 Dec, 2017

G240RC Update – QSAC Updates –

Greetings QSAC Members and quarter scale racers With 2018 just around the corner, we wanted to update the membership with the status of the G240RC engine for 2018.We took a step back and evaluated the comments and feedback that were received; both good and bad, and determined that we believe