Greetings QSAC members
We would like to share some news with the membership. As fall is a time of “change”, we are excited to share that Co-Chair elect, Todd Bishop, has already been engaging in dialogue with the two of us (current Co-Chairs), and we have begun a transition phase with Dave Dygon as his two-year term comes to a close at the end of October.
In the meantime, we wanted to share a change in the role of the National Tech Director. It is with sincere sadness we are announcing the stepping-down of Todd Holloway. Todd has passionately devoted his time and energy in this role for the past two-plus years. Saying we appreciate Todd’s time and efforts is an understatement. Thank you, Todd.
In anticipation of stepping-down, Todd, in conjunction with the two Co-Chairs, have identified a successor for this role. Please welcome Alex Livingston as QSAC’s National Tech Director. Todd has been working closely with Alex the past couple of months teaching “the tools of the trade” to help prepare Alex for his role. While Todd is stepping down, he has graciously offered to continue to mentor and coach Alex, as well as be an assistant in the tech process at both National events in 2021 (and possibly beyond?). Please welcome Alex to his new role.
While fall has not officially kicked in, it is just around the corner. For the Midwest and the East Coast, the racing season is starting to wind down, while the West Coast and some of the Southern states will enjoy some welcomed cooler weather and continued racing activities. We wish all racers a safe and enjoyable fall season.
Thank you,
Dave Dygon
Denny Andrews Jr.
QSAC Co-Chairs