Greetings QSAC members,
We are excited to share with the membership the release of the 2021 QSAC Rules Package.
The file can be found on and under the pull down menu titled “RULES”.
As we shared previously, this is the completion of what we have named “Phase 1” of the rules reformatting effort. A substantial amount of time and effort have been put in to this initial phase. You will notice the overall look is markedly different. Gone are the columns and text boxes from the previous releases. To say these were a challenge to edit and maintain is woefully understated. In addition, there have been a few grammatical tweaks throughout the document. The numbering structure may seem a bit excessive, but it will allow ease of communication when conversing about the rules package. Lastly, there was a small change to the font that was used throughout the entire document. We did some research and chose a font that was regarded as being easy to read.
We took a great deal of time and effort to make certain context was not lost during this process. We hope the first phase of this reformatting is a welcome sight for the membership.
Phase 2 will start very soon. The theme of Phase 2 will be to clean up the organizational component of the document, and more specifically sections 8 through 14; general specifications and the respective class specifications. There are numerous places where there is redundancy and in some cases inconsistency; whether through wording choices, context, or intent. This will be a tedious process, but we believe it will result in an even clearer rules package and a better foundation from a documentation standpoint as we move forward.
We will be assembling a team of individuals to help in this process. We do not have a completion date set for Phase 2, but our hope is that it is complete before the beginning of September.
If you have questions or concerns about the Phase 1 release of the 2021 QSAC Rules Package, please contact either one of us, or Joe Brooks.
We thank you for your time and patience with the release of the 2021 QSAC Rules Package, and we truly hope you enjoy this first phase of changes to the formatting.
Thank you,
Denny Andrews Jr.
Todd Bishop
QSAC Co-Chairs