Greetings QSAC members,
QSAC is excited to announce Brian Howard – AmsOil Distributor, as an associate sponsor for the 2022 QSAC Paved National Championship.
Most of you know or are aware of Brian as his involvement with quarter scale has been growing and expanding since he first got involved. Brian also runs the Interstate Racing Association (IRA) and the respective Tri-State Series. Brain was very gracious and donated AmsOil Saber 2-Cycle oil for this year’s event.
Thank you to Brian Howard for supporting the event.
It’s getting even later than it was earlier…., and the 2022 QSAC Paved National Championship is approaching at an even quicker rate than it was previously! Stay tuned as we have other late-comer sponsors to share with you.
Thank you,
Todd Bishop
Will Landers
QSAC Co-Chairs