Good day all,
Because people have asked, I am sharing the email letter that was sent to the QSAC Leadership group,
and included Todd Bishop. I am sharing this to show what took place and why it was done the way it
was. While this does not require explanation per the QSAC Bylaws, because of the magnitude of the
situation, I am showing the membership.
The process for impeachment is defined in the QSAC Bylaws in Section 3.4. IMPEACHMENT / DISMISSAL
/ APPOINTMENT. A unanimous vote of “no confidence” was given by the QSAC Leadership group.
Since this impeachment process left us with only one Co-Chair, I chose David Bradford as replacement
Co-Chair to finish the term for the open position. The process for non-fulfillment of term is defined in
the QSAC Bylaws in Section 3.3. NON-FULFILLMENT OF TERM. A unanimous vote approving David
Bradford was given by the QSAC Leadership group.
The QSAC Leadership group at the time of the vote included the following people.
Competition Committee Chair – Mike Sadler
Rules Committee Chair – Brad Boling
Special Projects Committee Chair – Todd Holloway
Finance Committee Chair – Doreen Brown
Manufacturer’s Advisory Chair – Bob Leydecker
Co-Chair – Brian Howard
Long Range Planning Chair – Open at the time of the vote
Below is the email letter asking for a vote of “no confidence” that was sent to the QSAC Leadership
“Good day all,
Below you will find a petition to impeach Todd Bishop as Co-Chair through a vote of no confidence.
Unfortunately I feel that there is no avoiding this situation any longer for multiple reasons that are
outlined below. For QSAC to survive and move forward successfully there must be a dramatic change.
Here are the reasons I am bringing this petition for a no confidence vote of Todd Bishop to you:
– Disregard for rules at MPR National event in 2022. Allowing illegal cars to pass tech and I quote,
“because people traveled far we don’t want to make them mad”.
– A lack of communication with leadership in QSAC for over two years.
– Not involving the Competition Committee or the RRC with the kill switch decisions, and making the
decision about the kill switch after Jan 1st, after the rules were published.
– Disregard for the itinerary during the 2023 QSAC National Championship event. This included allowing
racers to practice as early as Thursday the week prior to the event.
– Disregard for rules during the 2023 National Championship. Actually held a car up himself to pass tech
during tech on Friday after the A-main. Allowed other illegal findings to pass tech, I quote “Here we go
again; it will be a disaster like MPR all over again if we make these decisions.” This choice was clearly
allowing emotions to override the integrity of the rules as written.
– Disregard for verification of memberships prior to a national event and then attempted to cover it up
for days. Todd Bishop posted on social media that he knew the racer was not a member before the 2023
National Championship had started, and knew the racer was not a member even when practice and
racing started.
– Additionally, due to lack of paying attention to details, there were two other racers that were not
members during the National Championship. One of the individuals raced the entire event as was not
determined to not be a QSAC member until after the completion of the event. In total, three people
were not members for part or the entire week-long event. This choice puts the organizations liability
insurance coverage in a vulnerable place.
– Lying to the Protest Committee to achieve a desired result. It has been proven Todd Bishop gave false
information, on purpose, to the Protest Committee to allow a racer to keep points during the 2023
National Championship.
– Since taking office, it has been clear that Todd Bishop is not interested in having communication with
me. I have received minimal replies, at best, to any decisions and choices that need to be made. This is
to the detriment of the membership if we are not able to work together.
Given this list, and taking into consideration Section 1.2. from the QSAC Bylaws, I am asking the
leadership team for a vote of “no confidence” and the removal of Todd Bishop as Co-Chair.
For reference, QSAC Bylaws, Section 1.2.: “1.2. The primary functions of the organization are to provide
establishment and uniform enforcement of safety and competition rules, liability insurance for the
membership, and the promotion and growth of the sport through a strong, fair, and unbiased
management organization.”
I ask each of you to “REPLY ALL” with your vote to maintain complete transparency for this voting
Thank you,
Brian Howard
QSAC Co-Chair