2022 QSAC Dirt Track Rules Addendum Released – QSAC Updates – QSAC | Quarter Scale Auto Club

Greetings QSAC members,

We will be releasing the 2022 QSAC Dirt Track Rules Addendum today, Sunday, March 20th, 2022. The 2021 QSAC Dirt Track Rules Addendum has been archived on the website.

The 2022 QSAC Dirt Track Rules Addendum has a very notable change regarding the manner in which the wheel/host/tread are defined. We have created a chart along with a cross-section graphic that coordinates with the chart. We believe this will make it easier to read and understand the sizes versus what we have had in place for a considerable amount of time. It is the intention of the organization to incorporate a similar chart and image in the standard QSAC Rules Package as part of the Phase III effort.

None of this would be possible without dedicated members or our organization. Thank you to the following individuals for their help in evaluating and getting the 2022 QSAC Dirt Track Rules Addendum prepared for release; Todd Holloway; Alex Livingston and Mike Willmann. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated.

We appreciate your patience as it took a bit of time to process through this effort, along with added time to formally run the change request through the RRC.

The 2022 QSAC Dirt Track Rules Addendum can be downloaded from the QSAC website. Here is the link to the RULES page: QSAC RULES

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Thank you,
Todd Bishop
Will Landers
QSAC Co-Chairs