Greetings, QSAC members,
With the National Championship complete for 2021, we wanted to share with the membership a topic we are looking to address this year: Impact Parts; the evaluation process for a potential new/different Impact Part; and the duration or time in which new Impact Parts are allowed to be used in QSAC competition.
What is driving this effort? A conversation took place at the National Championship in Texas. This conversation was geared around the time involved with the process.
First and foremost; we will be approaching this with an open mind while adhering to the first two (2) sections of the QSAC Bylaws (I. Preface and II. Quarter Scale Auto Club By-laws). “”Spirit and Intent” is defined as the honest governing of the body, free of outside interest or influence either personal or financial, insuring to the general membership the management’s’ commitment to the betterment of the sport with the general memberships’ best interest and concerns at heart.” ; an excerpt from section II of the QSAC Bylaws. Additionally, we will work with the Manufacturers Advisory Committee during this process, and any potential change to the QSAC Rules Package will need to go through the Rules Ratification Committee. This can be a challenging line to toe as we look to serve the membership and provide clarity and expectations for our manufacturers.
Additionally, we will be looking to define a “grace period” for mains. Through conversation with individuals that have been involved with QSAC and quarter scale racing for the past 15-20 plus years, there has always been the allowance of one (1) five minute grace period allowed per main. This was announced and outlined in drivers meetings, whether at NCS events or at National Championship; it was just something that was done. The rub comes from the simple fact that while this has been a very standard procedure, it is not documented in our rules packages dating back to 2000.We walked back through each release and found nothing regarding this grace period. The primary intention is to document what has been a very standard practice for the past twenty plus years.(NOTE: all released QSAC Rules Packages are available for download on the website. Use the following link to view or download: anyone is interested in searching the rules package .pdf files, there is a quick method to use to search on a given word: using the CRTL+F keys, a pop-up window will open. Once open, you can type the word you would like to search for in the document. You can then arrow up/down and it will highlight each location.
Our desired outcome is to provide more specific clarity to what an Impact Part is and remove ambiguity or vagueness in the approval process, as well as provide a well-defined rule for the allowance of one grace period for each main. We welcome objective and constructive feedback from any members. Please feel free to reach out to us via phone call, email, or private message.
Thank you,
Denny Andrews Jr.
Todd Bishop
QSAC Co-Chairs