Greetings QSAC members
With September 1st coming and going, we have completed another QSAC Co-Chair election. Before we get into details, we want to extend a big thank you to David Bradford, Douglas Murphy, and Todd Bishop for being willing to be candidates for QSAC Co-Chair; thank you, gentlemen.
Voter turnout for the QSAC Co-Chair election resulted in a total of 85 votes cast. In terms of percentage of overall membership, that is a percentage of 29.9% for voter turnout.
The votes cast for QSAC Co-Chair are as follows (in alphabetical order):
David Bradford: 23 votes
Douglas Murphy: 20 votes
Todd Bishop: 42 votes
With the above tally shown, we would like to congratulate Todd Bishop on his election win as your next Co-Chair. Todd’s term will start on November 1st, 2020, and run through October 31st, 2022. Congratulations, Todd. We look forward to working with you in transition the next two months.
With the election coming to a close, this also means the soon to be closing out of the term of one of our current Co-Chairs; Dave Dygon. Thank you, Dave for your willingness to serve the organization these past two years. We wish you well in your post Co-Chair QSAC involvement and look forward to seeing you at the races.
In closing, we would like to impress upon the membership a continued point of concern; a lack of involvement with the organization. We had 29.9% of the membership determining the next Co-Chair for the organization. This lack of involvement is not limited to voter turnout, but is also shown other ways; a lack of willingness to volunteer (numerous slots are open and looking to be filled); a lack of rules change proposals (we see and read numerous comments about wanting X or Y changed, but no change proposals were submitted); we just are not seeing our membership being invested in the organization. We truly want our membership involved and invested; we assure you that all ideas are read/heard and evaluated.
We hope everyone has a safe and healthy last few weeks of summer, as well as a great fall season. We truly hope for a better 2021 for all of our membership.
Thank you,
Dave Dygon
Denny Andrews Jr.
QSAC Co-Chairs